Shai Wosner at Salon Piano Series

The Salon Piano Series Tenth Anniversary Season reached its finale April 21 with Shai Wosner presenting an afternoon of fantasie, as imagined by Herny Purcell, Frederic Chopin, Beethoven, and Robert Schumann.

As a concerto soloist in North America, Wosner has appeared with the major orchestras across the United States. He studied with Emanuel Ax at The Juilliard School, where Wosner is now on the piano faculty. Wosner also serves as 2020-2024 Artist-in-Residence with the Peoples’ Symphony Concerts in New York.

Wosner explained that “fantaisie” is a musical composition with roots in improvisation. It seldom follows the rules of any strict musical form. The term first referred to the imaginative musical “idea” rather than to a particular compositional genre.

Wosner performed Ludwig van Beethoven 14th (the famous “Moonlight”) Piano Sonata, whose score is headed with “Sonata quasi una fantasia,” Chopin’s Fantaisie in F minor, Op. 49, and Schumann’s epic Fantasie in C, Op. 17, dedicated to Franz Liszt. More:

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